Well, it's finished. As expected, the beads take me sometimes, and sometimes not. There are parts of the piece with conscious meaning to me, and others I was trying a technique or color combo or just keeping going!
The size is 2.5" by 2" (63.5mm x 50mm) approx. For much of the time I worked on this, I shut off TV, computers, printers, monitors, etc to get the room as quiet as possible. Working in a pharmacy there is a constant noise of printers, computers, monitors, faxes, lights...and it makes such a difference to turn them off. Of course, then I can get no work done!
Here at my bench, though, the quiet is nice, and only the Ott Light (desktop-folddown type) is on. I even took the batteries out of my mouse to eliminate the red light! That reminds me, I unplugged something to plug in the Ott Lite and did not reverse the process. Everything I want to work is working though, so maybe it's the old useless printer up on the shelf...
There is never complete silence because I have a lifelong case of earworm. Today, on my own, I came up with the intro to the old Bugs Bunny cartoons (Overture, hit the lights...sorry :-) Then my husband is belting out Copacabana in the shower. Could be worse. It went on for hours (in my head) until I had remembered almost all the lyrics I had forgotten over the past 30 years of not listening to much Manilow. Of course, Dave does not know the lyrics and poor Tony is shot dead in all 3 verses, sad to say.
I have no current inspiration for February. It's cold. Not Arctic cold but cold for Anchorage (low -20F : high -5F). Yeah, minus. No wind though, and sunny like it usually is when it's this cold. I have gloves on with the fingers cut off. Earlier I had a
qiviut headband on. There not much on the planet that is warmer for the weight.
I designated this day a "no website work, no housework, nothing but doing what I would do if I could play with beads whenever I wanted" day. Most of last night, too. I wanted to prove to myself that I could at least get one month of BJP completed! Oh it's also a "not wasting hours surfing mindlessly on the Internet and spending money on things I don't need" day. But the day is not over and the computer is back on...
Good night :-)
Ooops! I thought I was writing this on
my own blog. I am going to try to move it. Success! But sorry if it shows up in both places. So I will also sign in case it does.
Cindy A. ( I can't find a way to remove this yet - the whole post, not my name! )