Hello and happy new year, everybody!
I just read every post written on this blog so far! Very exciting to see so many returning BJPers here as well as a lovely group of newcomers!!! I have a feeling this will be a wonderful year, stimulating and fun.
Just to let you know, I will be getting a late start. I'm in the process of writing a comprehensive book about beads and beading. It's been all-consuming of my time and energies since last July. February 28 is the date when I have to have EVERYTHING finished and sent to the publisher. Yikes, that's just around the corner.... Anyway, it's the book I've always wanted to write, the one that students and other beaders have been requesting ever since I started beading, back in 1985. Right now the publisher asks that I not tell anything more about the book; but as soon as they allow it, I'll tell you all :>}.
In the meantime, I have been finishing last year's BJP pieces. I just posted September's piece here. October is almost finished, Nov and Dec are started. I hope to have them and the book finished at the end of Feb., and then quickly catch up on 2012 BJP pieces.
Thanks for joining! Thanks to Carol and Tracey... You two have more than earned your Angel wings!!!!!
Robin A.